Is a Frosted Glass Shower Screen the Best Option For Your Children's Bathroom?

If you're looking at new shower screens for your kids' bathroom, then you may be tempted to simply go for a traditional clear glass option. There may, however, be some advantages in choosing frosted glass for the screen in this room. Why is frosted glass worth looking at? Increased Privacy One of the few things you can guarantee with a bunch of kids is that if one child wants to do something alone, then the others will have an urgent need to be there too.

Child Safety Tips: How to Deal With a Broken Window

Accidents happen, especially around kids. You may have told your children not to kick balls around in the house over and over again only to hear a heart-stopping crash one day as one of your little darlings boots a ball through a window, breaking the glass. While you're waiting for the window to be fixed, you'll have to deal with the immediate aftermath. What's the best way to clean up broken glass and make the broken window child-proofed until it's repaired?


Mirrors are useful in day-to-day activities. They are mostly used for grooming purposes all around the world. However, mirrors can make a wonderful addition to your internal décor at home or in business premises. Mirrors come in different shapes and sizes and are framed using different designs and materials. All these add to the beautifying effect of a mirror. The common places that use mirrors for decoration are restaurants, beauty parlours and fancy stores.

How to Make a Real Statement with Stained Glass

Do you feel as if you are living in a sea of "sameness?" With more regulation than ever in Australian society, there is a trend toward conformity and as people have less time to focus, they tend to fit in even more. This has led to a proliferation of housing estates with row after row of cookie cutter homes, each one seeming to blend into the next. In the worst-case scenario, communities start to lose their identity and even their personality.