4 Great Reasons to Choose a Quadrant Shower Screen Enclosure

When you start looking at shower screens, you might just be surprised by the array of options on offer. In fact, there will probably be shower screen styles you're not even familiar with, including the quadrant shower enclosure.

A quadrant enclosure is made from curved shower screens that fit into a corner of your bathroom. Two screens will slide open to let you get in and out. They come with several compelling advantages.

Here are just four reasons why you should consider quadrant shower screens.

1. Save on Space

The most common reason why homeowners install quadrant shower screens is to save on space. Since they fit against a corner, they generally take up less space than other enclosures. Better yet, the curved shape means they don't intrude into the room as much as rectangular or square shower enclosures, and yet you still have plenty of space to move around. Saving on space is great in any bathroom, but it's a particularly attractive benefit if yours is on the smaller side. That's why quadrant screens are often used in small en suite bathrooms.

2. No Sharp Corners

Even if your bathroom is large enough to take any kind of shower you could choose, it's still nice to have the softer curving shape of a quadrant shower screen. Those curved lines generally fit in better with a bathroom's overall design, and they make it less likely you'll bump into any sharp edges as you move around since there aren't any sharp edges to deal with in the first place.

3. Option to Go Larger

Though quadrant showers are often used where space is at premium, they're also very easy to make larger when you go for an offset design. This means that one side of the screen is larger than the other. You essentially save space while still keeping the shower fully enclosed from the rest of your bathroom. If you like to take long showers or shower with your partner, having that extra space will be great.

4. Easy to Clean

Finally, curved shower screens are relatively easy to clean because they take up less surface area than square or rectangular ones and only present two sides instead of three or four. You'll still need to clean the glass every now and then to keep the shower screen looking its best, but that task at least won't take as long or require quite as much elbow grease.
